I am sharing this picture with Cedric Cannon from our tour of Carmen Jones in Europe because the dress that I am wearing has a real history and I want to share it.
I bought the dress to be on the Paul Moody Show in Los Angeles before I went to Europe. He interviewed me and announced my tour to Europe.
Then when we Premiered at the Deutsches Theater in Munich, Germany I wore the dress for the Premier party.
Then when I got married, I wore it as my wedding dress, and then when we baptized Marcel I had it made into a baptism outfit which was a jumper and with a long jacket and booties and Hat.
He looked like a little angel.
I still have the outfit and I hope one day his children will be baptized in it. It still is wrapped and vacuumed zealed. It is a blessed piece of material.
God has blessed us all so very much.
Always In Spirit,
Janet Jackson Tyler Lummer (JJTL)
You look very beautiful Janet - and what a lovely story - thank you for sharing it with us 🌹💜
That's lovely Janet. ❤️