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And I'm Writing Again!


At last - my book from the UK has arrived safe and sound unlike the half ripped envelope - once I paid the customs duty.

I look forward to delving into it. Customs Duty - the new thing now with anything brand new or second hand coming from the UK to the EU; anywhere outside the EU has to pay customs duties which doesn't really affect the people living in the UK but for those UK- ers who live in the EU and want to keep ordering stuff from England, it's just not worth it. Sometimes you basically end up paying almost double. All the UK people here instead of ordering from etc order from Amazon Germany or France which when you consider there's 1.5 million of us is quite a financial hit for UK firms. Easter hasn't yet arrived here; it's this week for us so it's all still gearing up. The lavender, white and red cistus and the wild iris flowers are all out, the churches (especially on this island - the holy island they call it because of the cave where St John had his vision - the one that became the Book of Revelation in the Bible) are all getting prettied up. Friday they become astounding. We are doing all the usual stuff - walking, hiking, daring each other to go swimming. People are arriving, the island's waking up after its winter slumbers. It feels a bit like we are post Covid here finally. The weather's warm. I just took a break and laid out on the beach next to the sea for a few minutes reward for doing the recycling, or what might quite possibly be trash collection, it being Greece. So all is pretty much back to Mediterri yippe ay a o. And I'm writing again...

Mark Watson

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3 commentaires

21 juin 2023

You're writing again - this is great news! And 'all is pretty much back to Mediterri yippe ay a o' - sounds good - enjoy your beautiful sun-filled summer☀️


08 mai 2023

Reply to Mark from Janet:

“Great Mark, Your wife is taking very good care of you. Glad to here you are doing so well.”


20 avr. 2023

Glad you got the book Mark.

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