Hello People,
Just wanted to greet all the people that wrote in Book 1 and 2 to say I am so happy to have met you on paper and look forward to meeting you all on video at one point. It was so wonderful to be included in a project that shared so openly thoughts of how people really felt during the pandemic. Best part was that we had so many different and interesting experiences.
One thing that has lasted that I wanted to share with you all and ask you about is:
Have you noticed that you do not remember as well as you used to before the pandemic?
If so, why do you think this is happening? Is it the side effects of the vaccines, or the stress of the pandemic changes? I would love to hear your thoughts. Have a blessed week. Always In Spirit, Janet Jackson Tyler Lummer(JJTL)
In answer to your question Janet ... 'I haven't noticed much of a change in my memory but will be paying a bit of attention to this now you've mentioned it. What are your thoughts? ☀️
Forwarded from Mark Watson
"Actually, my memories got better. I'm touching 69 and before the pandemic my memory was starting to go a bit. Age related. It maintained at the reduced 85% level right the way through the pandemic. Last year I had to go to the US for some elective surgeries. And there was huge stress around that with possible cancer in a couple of places which all turned out to be benign. My memory dipped down to 75% with that. Coming back to Europe jet lag kept the 75% going. I'd already made the decision to make my 68th year a let's get as healthy as I can year. So I got the blood work done…