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Being a Medium


I first started to hear and see people in the spirit world when I was 5 years old. I am 70 this year, so it is all I know.

Fortunately, my mother, her twin sister and my grandmother were mediums, so it was completely natural, understood and I believe expected.

I feel for children who see and hear things, but are not understood and are accused of making it up, or worse, suspected of having psychological problems.

I remember so clearly, waking up in the night, and seeing my aunt Rose at the foot of my bed. I was not afraid, and she smiled at me and said goodbye. Next morning I told my mother, and Rose, who was in hospital with cancer had passed in the night. From that moment, I saw spirits regularly, they spoke to me, it is just a part of my life.

When I was young in the 50's, and into the 60's, my mother was a working medium, but she had to be secretive, as it was still illegal under the Witchcraft Act, the last woman to be arrested, was a medium, Helen Duncan, but she was released and the Act abolished, but strange to think this happened within living memory.

I believe we all have a degree of natural intuition, which we can develop, but to see and hear spirit, is a gift, mostly inherited, I know given to help people.

It is wonderful to be able to tell clients, that their loved ones have passed on to a better place, free of pain, fear and negativity, now with other loved ones who have passed before them.

I cannot take away the loss and grief, natural emotions we all have to go through, but it is lovely to see people smiling, especially when they receive a message only they would know, mostly we need to know that people we have lost are in a positive, happy place, and believe me, having a good time!

They cannot change our journey, our destiny, but they can comfort us, put things in our pathway, to ease our journey. They see what we are doing, can hear us, it helps to connect by lighting a white candle, looking into the flame, and just having a chat. Also meditation raises our vibrational level, which helps the connection.

Also, one day we will be together again, pets included, there is nothing to fear, only love awaits us.

Brenda Evans

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Jun 21, 2023

What a gift you have Brenda! How wonderful to be able to pass messages to people from their loved ones who have passed on to a better place - thank you 💜

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