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As we move through the darkness


Updated: Jun 14, 2023

As we move through the darkness that shadows the earth, there is a mass of light illuminating the planet and those who are willing.

In willing, I am talking about those who have the willingness to look at their own shadows. Real transformation happens from within and now, more than ever, we have an incredible opportunity to assist the collective consciousness as an anchor of love and light on earth through our temple (human body). When we look at life as a direct reflection of ourselves, we can see what we are holding in our energy field. These reflections are our perceptions, beliefs, programs and so on. It's imperative to be kind with ourselves as we fully own everything that is happening in our lives. It takes courage, honesty and absolute vulnerability. I honour everyone with this willingness, as we all have a unique purpose to serve for the highest good of all as one piece of a massive puzzle. As a soul, a conscious being, we are simple and we are love. With this in mind a helpful way to see clearly is to ask ourselves. Am I in love or fear, with every moment, every thought and action? It's that simple. Remember, there is no wrong or right, just experiencing. This doesn't mean to ignore or condone other people's choices. It simply means, see how we are relating to life and therefore ourselves. I too, am on this journey of Self Realisation (or whatever you wish to call it) and I am constantly asking questions, of myself, of life, of how to see things from a conscious place. May these words touch you deeply. May all beings be well, happy and live in harmony.

In loving gratitude,

Jacob Ra Melchizedek. Go to my website here


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Jun 21, 2023

"May all beings be well, happy and live in harmony" - thank you Jacob for your lovely words ☀️

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